
Friday, November 4, 2011

I Saw This Play One Time.

Let's get down to brass tacks here.  I do not enjoy being sick.

Nor do I enjoy my beloved spouse being plagued with a nasty bug either.

But, dislike it as I may, the universe was at odds with the Eddington family this past week.  Pestilence burned through our food and earthquakes shook our floors, too.  Okay, I'm joking about that part.  But I did find a moldy biscuit.  

It all started out so innocently.  Going to see a play together.  We made the poor choice of sitting ten seats away from the isle.  The rest, I'm sure you can figure out.  But I'm sure you clicked on this link for a good story, and a good story you will get!  

Chad noticed my apparently apparent queasiness.  "Are you okay?" He whispered to me.

I couldn't manage much legible speech at the time.  I just managed to stand up and stomp down the row of filled seats, surely filling the occupants with unspeakable anger towards the now green faced girl stepping on their toes.  Next objective: find a bathroom. And fast.  Luckily, and I mean very luckily, there was a bathroom right outside the door.  If ever there was an award for perfect timing, I should be awarded said award.  I wont go into details, but I lost my dinner. And my lunch. And my... stomach lining... And a lot of sleep.

Good story, right?

Unfortunately, my wonderful husband came down with the bug a couple days ago. Only I think bugs like him, because he was way worse.  Need I be embarrassed that I almost cried when I heard him surrendering his insides to the porcelain throne?  I think not.  A sympathetic wife am I, and I hold tight to my title.  

Chad was a bit loopy during his hours at deaths door. So much so that at one point, he began whispering to me, "Alex, do you... do you wanna... you wanna get me... a popsicle... so I can... I can l-.... I can lick it?"  Of course, being the sympathetic wife I am, I was elated to get him a popsicle.  I got down on the floor next to him and gave him his delicious strawberry delight. He licked it. Smacked his lips together a few times. Smiled. And then said "Okay, you can put it back now." and handed it back to me.  A joy he is, I say. A magnificent joy.  

Luckily we are all better and happy to be so.  We don't do well being sick.  So I daresay we shouldn't become so ever again lest we be tempted to roll over and die.  Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now.  Healthy wishes to all!  And if you live in the Burg... Watch for the bugs...

1 comment:

  1. Alex, you crack me up more than anyone else I know! You are so funny! :D
