
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Suspense is Killing Me.

Chad is a fantastic husband.  He really is. Best husband award for sure.

He is a hard worker in school. He's currently pulling through straight A's in all of his classes and he just got a job. Not just any job. Early morning janitor job.  He is awesome.  He works.  He cleans.  He learns.  He never complains. Ever.  His parents raised him right!

Well, Chad is majoring in Computer Information Technology.  Needless to say, he uses his computer a lot.  Well, his last computer lasted maybe a year and a half, and we got him a new one, which he has been using more as he is getting into his core classes.  I don't know about you, but buying a new computer every year doesn't sound like fun to me.

Chad mention a Macbook.  He's wanted one for a while, but he's really good at never putting himself first.  He's great like that.  But we really started thinking about it... Macs last eternity.  Spend lots of moneys once = computer for entire college career.  Spend a medium amount of money each year = grumpy/poor Alex.  But recently he's really been doing his research.  The pressure was on.  He'd been budgeting and pulling strings and shopping around for the best deals.

So I said 'not yet.'

Bummed out Chad.

Hehehehe. I was only kidding. But he didn't know now, did he?

Last night I began to plot.  Never before had I been so sneaky.  Even out Christmas presents weren't sneaky.  We went into the store, separated, and pretended not to have any idea what we got. No sneaky!

I had a plan. Every Wednesday Chad goes to school before I work. But I go to campus with him and walk to work, since it's a little later than his class.  I get out of work an hour before he's done for the day. Perfect! Muahahaha.  I would buy the mac before work.  Go to work.  Walk home after work.  Surprise would ensue.  But Chad managed to foil my plan. Drat!  He dropped me off at the building instead of on campus.  There was no way I'd be able to walk to the store and walk back in time for work, and there was no way I'd be able to walk to the store, buy it, and make it home on foot in time. So I had to figure out another means of sneakiness...

I texted Hannah, and she saved my life.  She got out at the perfect time and was able to give me a ride home.  So after work, I all but sprinted to the book store to make it there with enough time to get back and set up my surprise.  Really. I ran. Not kidding.  Then I got home.  I wrapped it up and put it on our bed and waited...

Chad walked in, completely unaware of how sneaky I had been.  I walked in to the bedroom and asked him to come, too.  His face was totally perfect.  "Uh, no, you didn't."

Ohohohoohhhhhh yes I did.

He started beaming ear to ear and I tell you I don't think he's ever been more excited...

I like making my husband happy:)

And just so you're all aware, he seems to have calmed down a little, but every now and then he will still grab his head and say "I can't believe it! You're so awesome! I can't believe you did this!"

Yes. Yes, I am awesome.

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