
Monday, April 30, 2012

Elephants are Key...

Chad and I are pretty obsessed with this game.  We like to call it "Age of Mythology", because that's what's written on the case.  We play like it's our job, and we fail miserably.  Let me elaborate on this extremely interesting subject.

Play the game on easy- Other team self destructs.  Too easy.

Play the game on moderate- Scary computer starts making threats three seconds into the game and before you know it, your whole entire civilization is dead to the world.  They don't just get your town centers.  They get your houses and farms and your camels!  I hate when they kill my camels!  They take it too far.

So as you can see, in between easy and moderate, apparently somebody had no idea what moderate meant, and decided it must mean impossible.  I mean, come on. They killed all twenty three of my camels in one little fleet. How does that happen?? Run, you stupid camels! Run!  Anyway, I digress.

My point is, moderate has taken on a new meaning.  So I obviously need to step it up, right?

Step one - team up with extremely attractive husband.

Step two- create a million and one elephants.

Step three- win.

Well, it doesn't happen like that.  So as you can imagine, Chad and I stay up until wayyyy past our bedtime just to die six times.  But we can't keep dying!  We must win!  So we play one more game.  Strangely, he is not threatening us... We slowly advance our armies and cautiously head over to his nation.  Then we beat the livin' tar-nation our of his civilization.  'Wow, that was easy! We must be super awesome!' we both think to ourselves.  Only to find out that before the game started, we forgot to set it to moderate.

Stupid camels. 

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