
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday Is a Special Day.

You know Christmas?  Right.  I figured you did.  Well, you know how kids get all excited for Christmas?  So much so that they lose precious hours of sleep over the hullabaloo of it all?  Wee chillins tucked in their beds find themselves chasing those dancing sugar plums in the middle of July?  Utter excitement, I dare say.

Lucky (or unlucky) for Chad and me, our hullabaloo comes not once, but a grand total of fifty two (fifty three, if you count Christmas) times a year!  Our hullabaloo day?  It's Wednesday.  Do you know why?  Of course you don't know why.  That's why I'm going to tell you.  Is the suspense killing you yet?

Chad has a 'strict' bed time of eight o'clock.  Usually around seven his brain starts to get foggy and he starts saying strange things... and talking to me while he's in the bathroom.  Never a good sign.  Why the insane bed time?  Because of his job.  Chad works as a janitor for the BYU-I campus.  His shift starts at four.  In the morning.  So naturally, him being a sleep lover and all, he tries to stock up.

But Thursday is a glorious day.  It's his day off.  Therefor, on Wednesday, we do not abide by the eight o'clock bedtime rule, no matter how tired we are.  Nay, we stayed up until ten last night.  And guess what?

We didn't even feel bad about it. (snicker)

But anyway, we always try to make the best of the hullabaloo.  What did we do this past Wednesday, you ask?  Well, I'll show you!

A tent.  Yes.  Held up with educational text and the like.  We are smart people.

Chad and I built a tent, made some fudge, and watched a movie.  That was our celebration of the hullabaloo. Of course, Chad tried to fit our mattress inside the tent.  I felt like a little kid stealing my siblings chocolate moneys when I told him that it just wouldn't work...

The mattress was omitted and the tent was smashing.  Even if we crouched a little bit.

He's very focused, isn't he?  Probably doing homework until the fudge is done.

Orrrrrr NOT! (Note the sock.  Halfway off.  Not sure why he prefers that.  Why not off?  Or on?  Is he self conscious about his feet?  Or does he like the feel of it better?  Not sure.)

But honestly, adoring fans, I feel like a kid on December 26th.  You know what that feeling is?

What the heck do I do now?

And that's when I decided the best course of action would be to post on the blog.  Instead of do dishes immediately.  Let's face it, when you open up presents on Christmas, the last think you want to do is take down the tree.  Well that's just it.  I'm going to leave our tree up for another hour or so.  And then wash the tree... Dishes.  And then probably...

Wallow in self pity.

I. Just. Don't. Know.

Happy belated Wednesday, fervent followers!

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