
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Turkey Day Awesomeness.

Chad and I had our own Thanksgiving celebration this year.  It was SO fun!  We made all the classics and ate ourselves silly and listened to our Michael Buble Christmas CD.  Then we went and played on the swings at a local park.  I love our little family so much and I'm so grateful to be married to my best friend!

One shot of our Thanksgiving Feast!

And another...

Chad's feetsies! 

Oh my gosh, I ate so much, you can see my BELLY sticking out!

Serious Chad.

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mystery Baby.

First off, I apologize.  I haven't been good at all at updating this here bliggity blog.   My bad, my bad.  But I'll have you know life has been just peachy!  Chad and I are pregnant!  We're 20 weeks on Tuesday, and we get to find out if we've got a lad or lassie on our hands on that very day.  I can't tell you how anxious I am.  Because I'm so anxious... It should be illegal.

Do YOU know what we're having?  Do you have a nagging feeling in your noggin?  Well then let's hear it!  Here's some information to aid you in your guess quest...

1. I'm carrying lower in my belly, and from the back or even straight on, I don't really look pregnant.
2. My skin, overall, has been clearer since I got pregnant.
3. I have a net weight gain of 0 pounds.  Not sure how that's happened.
4. I had morning sickness, but it more of an annoying 'hi, you're not really going to throw up, I'm just here to bug you" sickness.  Didn't last all day, and stopped at almost exactly 12 weeks.
5. I crave salty foods mostly.  Like curly fries.  My, oh, my.  
6.  The baby is a tad bit 'ahead' in development.  You be the judge to whether that's relevant or not.  As if any of this is relevant.  Haha.

Le baby.

There you have it.   Take a guess!

We are so excited and so happy about this pregnancy!  We feel so blessed to be welcoming a baby into our family and can't wait to find out if it's a little boy or girl.  Either way, it's safe to say, we'll be obsessed.

Stole this idea from my cousin, Sarah.  You should read her blog.  It's funny. :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Okay, so here I am, four hours before my first day of school starts, and I'm actually kind of nervous.  I might sound like a huge lazy bum in this post, but bear with me, and I shall reveal all.

I woke up this morning feeling pretty sick to my stomach (maybe it's because I woke up at 3:30 in the morning with Chad.  Go figure)  but I think I have a hunch as to why.

Since we've gotten married, we've both had a decent amount of free time.  We sit in our living room while Chad does his homework and joke around all day.  Chad watches my annoying TV shows with me and pretends I'm not driving him crazy, and even gives his opinion on some dresses (say yes to the dress, of course).  He's pretty good at making me feel not nutso.

Well, this morning, I opened up my eyes and realized, even though this is an exciting new part of both of our lives,  things are changing.  I'll be gone eight hours everyday, and not to mention one of those days is Saturday. The day we usually look forward to just because we have no obligations.  We like that.  We are lazy (mostly me, Chad is the one that works at 4 in the morning).  But it actually hit me like a ton of bricks.

Things might never be the same.

Mostly in good ways, of course. 

I'll have a lucrative education that I love.  That's good!

But I also thought of more permanent changes.  Like when school is all said and done, it might not be just us anymore.  Hopefully by then, we might be so lucky as to have a new pair of little feets to wobble around our apartment.  

I've been so anxious to get pregnant for a while now and it never really intimidated me until today (no, I'm not pregnant... yet!).  Just the thought that I could start a year long program and end it with a baby Chad or Alex made everything seem so final.  Like this is most definitely the last day that things will be the same.

But I'm okay with it.  We may not get all of the free time we are used to, but I'm excited to learn to cherish the time we do have together.  I'm excited to learn and to be productive everyday.  To have responsibility.

I guess you could say it's practice of sorts...  For when those little feets decide to join in on the fun.

So I guess I'm not nervous about school.  I'm nervous that a lot can happen in a year.  And I guess I hadn't thought much about that before.  I just hope I am the kind of person who can handle it.

I hope I can start school and end it a better person than I am today.  I hope I can be ready for anything.  I hope I can be a better wife and support my husband more. 

 I hope I'll be good at what I do. 

I hope that, when the time comes,  I can be a good mother.  I hope, when that time comes, that I can look into the eyes of our children and forever remember how desperately I hoped for them, and I hope I never forget that.  I hope I never take my family for granted.  

But no matter what happens, I hope I never take my husband for granted.  My amazing husband who goes to work in the middle of the night for his family.  Chad, who is so patient with me learning things that I should already know.  Who married me even though I'm nowhere near as wonderful as him.  He is truly the most amazing person I've ever met, and can you believe it, he's my husband!  

My husband who told me that if it's my dream, I should go to school.  Even though it's a financial hurdle.  So here I am, following my dream.  Thanks to my husband, who is always looking to make my life better.  To make me better.  And I thank him for that.

My apologies for the rant.  Totally random I know, but believe it or not, that's actually how my brain works.

Okay.  Here I come, school.  Ready or not.

But excited either way.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Suspense is Killing Me.

Chad is a fantastic husband.  He really is. Best husband award for sure.

He is a hard worker in school. He's currently pulling through straight A's in all of his classes and he just got a job. Not just any job. Early morning janitor job.  He is awesome.  He works.  He cleans.  He learns.  He never complains. Ever.  His parents raised him right!

Well, Chad is majoring in Computer Information Technology.  Needless to say, he uses his computer a lot.  Well, his last computer lasted maybe a year and a half, and we got him a new one, which he has been using more as he is getting into his core classes.  I don't know about you, but buying a new computer every year doesn't sound like fun to me.

Chad mention a Macbook.  He's wanted one for a while, but he's really good at never putting himself first.  He's great like that.  But we really started thinking about it... Macs last eternity.  Spend lots of moneys once = computer for entire college career.  Spend a medium amount of money each year = grumpy/poor Alex.  But recently he's really been doing his research.  The pressure was on.  He'd been budgeting and pulling strings and shopping around for the best deals.

So I said 'not yet.'

Bummed out Chad.

Hehehehe. I was only kidding. But he didn't know now, did he?

Last night I began to plot.  Never before had I been so sneaky.  Even out Christmas presents weren't sneaky.  We went into the store, separated, and pretended not to have any idea what we got. No sneaky!

I had a plan. Every Wednesday Chad goes to school before I work. But I go to campus with him and walk to work, since it's a little later than his class.  I get out of work an hour before he's done for the day. Perfect! Muahahaha.  I would buy the mac before work.  Go to work.  Walk home after work.  Surprise would ensue.  But Chad managed to foil my plan. Drat!  He dropped me off at the building instead of on campus.  There was no way I'd be able to walk to the store and walk back in time for work, and there was no way I'd be able to walk to the store, buy it, and make it home on foot in time. So I had to figure out another means of sneakiness...

I texted Hannah, and she saved my life.  She got out at the perfect time and was able to give me a ride home.  So after work, I all but sprinted to the book store to make it there with enough time to get back and set up my surprise.  Really. I ran. Not kidding.  Then I got home.  I wrapped it up and put it on our bed and waited...

Chad walked in, completely unaware of how sneaky I had been.  I walked in to the bedroom and asked him to come, too.  His face was totally perfect.  "Uh, no, you didn't."

Ohohohoohhhhhh yes I did.

He started beaming ear to ear and I tell you I don't think he's ever been more excited...

I like making my husband happy:)

And just so you're all aware, he seems to have calmed down a little, but every now and then he will still grab his head and say "I can't believe it! You're so awesome! I can't believe you did this!"

Yes. Yes, I am awesome.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Elephants are Key...

Chad and I are pretty obsessed with this game.  We like to call it "Age of Mythology", because that's what's written on the case.  We play like it's our job, and we fail miserably.  Let me elaborate on this extremely interesting subject.

Play the game on easy- Other team self destructs.  Too easy.

Play the game on moderate- Scary computer starts making threats three seconds into the game and before you know it, your whole entire civilization is dead to the world.  They don't just get your town centers.  They get your houses and farms and your camels!  I hate when they kill my camels!  They take it too far.

So as you can see, in between easy and moderate, apparently somebody had no idea what moderate meant, and decided it must mean impossible.  I mean, come on. They killed all twenty three of my camels in one little fleet. How does that happen?? Run, you stupid camels! Run!  Anyway, I digress.

My point is, moderate has taken on a new meaning.  So I obviously need to step it up, right?

Step one - team up with extremely attractive husband.

Step two- create a million and one elephants.

Step three- win.

Well, it doesn't happen like that.  So as you can imagine, Chad and I stay up until wayyyy past our bedtime just to die six times.  But we can't keep dying!  We must win!  So we play one more game.  Strangely, he is not threatening us... We slowly advance our armies and cautiously head over to his nation.  Then we beat the livin' tar-nation our of his civilization.  'Wow, that was easy! We must be super awesome!' we both think to ourselves.  Only to find out that before the game started, we forgot to set it to moderate.

Stupid camels. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Long time, no post.

Pardon my absence, if you will, I have been very busy. Doing what you ask? Important things involving saving the world by saving the fair maiden, Zelda. She was and is in need of a great deal of assistance, but I have had to take a break due to the fact that my sword arm is very near falling off because of my wild spin attacks and bug catching. (Sorry, Zelda. If you're reading this, I'm on my way, right after this next episode of the Office.)

At the end of December, Chad and I moved to Idaho Falls! We have loved it! We moved into a smaller place with one bedroom and a huge potty room. We have quite enjoyed our new apartment. I was able to get a job at JC Penney, but sadly, my hours have been reduced to about one 5 hour shift a week. So! We have made the tough choice to move back to Rexburg in mid April. We are very excited! We can't wait to move in and to be back near school. I have been blessed to get another job already, watching my friends' adorable little baby boy. I can't wait to start! 

Chad's sister Julia has moved in with us as of about a month ago! She is getting married on April 6th and we are so very excited for her! We love her betrothed and can't wait to welcome him to the family. You know what else we can't wait for? On the 28th we get to go to Utah and spend about a week and a half with the Eddingtons! They are flying in from Ohio and we are positively overcome with joy! 

I recently began a Photography business! It's going rather well, actually, I enjoy it so much! I love working with people and capturing them in photographs! It's quite a good deal of fun!

Chad has signed on with a temp agency and has been able to get a good deal of work! We are very happy about that and feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to work. 

OKAY! Now that you know how awesome we're doing, I'm gonna go rescue Zelda. Someone needs to tell her to stop... being... stolen...

Okay bye.

Julia's going to kill me.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Where have I been? Well, I'll tell you where I've been.

It's my birthday.

Not really, but join me on the imagination express as we take a ride back to December 14, 2011.  Enjoy the seats. They're plush. And leather. And they're also made out of clouds. And then they're made out of whatever you want. It's the imagination express! We spare no expense. Accept in gas. That stuff's free.

I worked 8 hours on my birthday. Not complaining, I had an awesome job. But I distinctly remember being told I was incorrect about that specific day being the anniversary of my birth. By a two-and-a-half year old. The story goes like this:

I was probably busy being mean. Something like putting Savannah in time out for stealing a toy from Braden or something of that severity. Usually she sits there... Yells a bit... Then when she calms down, I say,

"Do you know why you're in time out?"

Usually she just says, "Memmeretinnibibble." To which I reply,


Then she gets up and all is right with the world. Not this time though. This time, she said she was scared of me, and then stuck her nose in the corner. Usually, I don't enjoy being mean to small children. This was no exception. So I tried to be funny and ask her to come play some games.

"Savannah, come on! Let's go play games, it's my birthday!"

"No, it's not." She says, very matter-o-fact like.

You can imagine my shock.

For twenty years, I had been celebrating my birthday on December 14. Nobody had ever brought to my attention that I was indeed mistaken in doing so. Not until now. How did I tell my husband? Had he, perhaps, been correct in thinking my birthday was on the fifteenth until we were married? I couldn't face that humiliation. Not after I'd given him so much grief about not knowing my birthday. It'd just be to much.

Hours passed by, and I got in the car to go home with Chad. I told him about my day and all the funny things the children did, the whole time being trouble with this new development in the change of my birth date.  He laughed graciously. And then we get home.

I walked in the door to this:

Cake. Martinelli's. Long stemmed glasses. Love notes. Clean house.

Yeah. He doesn't have to know.